Registration for WBLAHS Soccer is through the online SmartSchoolK12 system. The registration system can accessed on the WBL Area High School Activities page.
Before registering, the following must be complete and up to date.
1. A current physical must be on file with the Activities Office and entered into the Affinety system before families will be able to register a student for any activity that requires this form. Physicals are considered current for 3 years and must not expire during the season for which the registration is being made. Families may check the status of their child's physical date in Skyward Family Access under Health. New physical information. Completed physical forms may be submitted to the activities office via email to physicals@isd624.org. The MSHSL Sports Qualifying Physical Form can be found MNSHL Physical Form
2. Accounts must be clear of Fees and Holds:
All Fees and Holds must be cleared from SmartSchoolK12 account before families will be able to register a student for any activity. Fees can be found on the Activities tab in SmartSchoolK12. Simply add the Fee to your cart and proceed to checkout as usual. Once paid, the Hold should come off automatically.
Please note that there will no longer be receipts issued for student-athletes to turn in at tryouts. Instead, coaches will get a master roster via email listing the fully registered, ready to participate student-athletes.